Call for Applications: Scholarships from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) runs a scholarship programme to support foreign students and graduates in all disciplines. The goal of the KAS is to promote the academic training of future management executives.
Who can apply?
The foreign scholarship programme is aimed at foreign postgraduates and doctoral students who have already completed a degree in their home country and wish to undertake a further course of study (postgraduate course or master’s degree), a doctoral degree or a period of research lasting at least two semesters at a German university.
Which requirements must be met?
Applicants should:
• provide evidence of above-average academic achievement,
• have a broad general education and a keen interest in political affairs,
• show a positive basic attitude towards democracy and human rights,
• have already demonstrated their active commitment to helping other people and society on a voluntary basis in their home country,
• be able to develop their own views and show tolerance towards those who think differently
What form does funding take?
• Graduates, i.e. students pursuing a master’s degree or postgraduate programme, receive a monthly scholarship of 750 euros. This scholarship is usually granted for a period of two years.
• Doctoral students receive a monthly scholarship of 920 euros. This scholarship is usually granted for a period of three years.
• Additional allowances and subsidies may be granted to cover costs such as health and nursing care insurance or certain family members accompanying the scholarship holder
• Furthermore, scholarship holders become part of an active and thriving network
The closing date for applications is 15 July 2016.
More information can be found on the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung website.